Sunday, September 11, 2011

God's word about courtship

1.Genuine passion for God
The greatest commandment is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt.22:37). A mere profession of faith is insufficient. A godly man will consistently display love, obedience, and increasing passion for the Christ.

2.Authentic humility
“This is the one to whom I will look,” says the Lord,” he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word”(Isa.66:2).Your daughter will marry a sinner—that is certain. But if he is a humble and teachable sinner who is quick to repent, then he will be sure to grow in godliness. This humility will also be evident in his love for and submission to God’s Word.

3.Love for the local church
At the center of God’s plan on earth is His church. A young man must be pursing fellowship and serving faithfully in a local church if he is to make a good candidate for a husband.

4.Biblical convictions about manhood and womanhood
A successful marriage is due in large part to a couple’s grasp of their respective roles and responsibilities. A potential husband must be committed to complementary roles found in Scripture. He must be ready to embrace to his responsibility to love and lead his wife.(Eph.5:22-25)

In addition to comparing the young man to this list of essentials, we also helped our daughters evaluate God’s commands to wives. From Scripture we asked our daughters the following questions regarding the young man each was considering:
-do you fully respect this man the way a wife is called to respect her husband?
-can you eagerly submit to him as the church submits to Christ?
-can you have faith to follow this man no matter where he may lead?
-can you love this man with a tender, affectionate love?
(1 Cor11:3; Eph5:22,33; Col3:8; Titus2:4-5)

“Each courtship, whether or not it ends in marriage, is it own unique journey. But God has provided all the wisdom that we need in His Word.”


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